Monday, September 26, 2016

TV, Towers and Taxis

I was at home, but it wasn't any home I recognised. It just felt like home to me. My parents were there, which was odd. I remember turning on a huge TV on the wall, must have been 60"+. There was a programme on I wanted to see, but being a dream the remote control wasn't working properly and I couldn't get the volume to the correct level. It was either off (on mute) or insanely high.

I finally managed to get it to work, and the programme came on. It was a new drama featuring the kids from a recent, popular supernatural TV series. They had started putting together a towering cake in celebration of someone's birthday. It was multilayered, like a wedding cake, but each layer had candles. It must have been about 12ft tall.

By now, I was no longer watching this on TV, I was in the room of the programme I had been watching.

I was concerned about the candles, knowing that they would set fire to the card that kept the cake together of the layers above. But they kept going. One of the kids grabbed a goldfish out of a bowl and started climbing the ladder, saying the fish was important to finish the birthday surprise...

I worried about the fish, but discovered I was no longer in the room. I was in the back of a taxi travelling around a big city. The cab was a movie style yellow cab, and the driver had the fish hanging in a large bag from the rear view mirror. We were on our way to a big cinema, like the Chinese Theatre, to go to the premiere of a movie, but I didn't see what film it was. Before we could get there, I woke.

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