Monday, April 13, 2020

Wicca buildings

I was on the top floor of a massive gothic building. There was something strange going on, and part of it started crumbling and collapsing - parts of the stained glass were dropping down the central stairway. I fled the building, running down the stairs, and out into the street.

I couldn't get to where I needed to be, people were in the way, but they needed to be warned of the collapsing building, but the bottom floor of the building was currently being occupied by a Witchcraft and Wicca convention.

I can't remember the rest!

Painting and Planes

I was part of one of those painting programmes, where they get amateurs in to paint a still life and judge them. We were in a studio surrounded on three sides by full windows looking out over the sea and beach of a tourist town.

The time was up, and my painting was of a vase. It wasn't finished, and it was awful. I heard the judges, and I smeared purple paint over the front of the vase in an arty way, before handing it in. As the judges started talking I heard the sound of a propeller driven plane buzzing past the window. I looked and it was horribly close as it went by. The other contestants looked at it, and one of the judges said that they would call the police.

As we watched, the plane came around again, and did a loop-the-loop over the sea, but it hadn't given itself enough room and smacked into the sea with a horrible splash. There was no explosion, and as the water settled there was the wreckage of another two or three similar planes floating in the water. The judge started to call the coastguard.

Fingers and waking dreams

I woke up. Or at least, I'd thought I had. D was getting dressed and was very stressed about something. I got up and came over to the top of the stairs to see what she was doing. She was trying to plug in a small portable light, and I asked her what she was doing. She was making something with a machine, but it was early in the morning.

I said, "It's four in the morning" and as I said it I noticed that my hands were strange. There was an extra knuckle and as I looked I could see an extra finger on each hand hidden behind. I was confused and shocked, and knew something was wrong. I started panicking, knowing that something strange was going on and I wasn't sure if I was awake or not.

D tried to console me, and told me to lay down on the folded duvet that was on the floor.

I just remember saying, almost crying, "Don't make me go to sleep, I don't think I'll be able to wake up..."

I woke up in reality with a start.

Trent Reznor and Vultures

I was supposed to be getting to a "getaway car". It was parked outside a fast, glass fronted library. I couldn't see it yet, but I knew I had to get to it. Ben Whishaw was there, and pulled a gun - trying to stop me. I ran for the door, and had to push my way through a dozen girl scouts who were actually small robots...

They were in the way, but I managed to scramble through and past the barriers outside. In the carpark it was on two levels and I ran to the lower one. The car I needed was parked up against the railing on the raised level, and I could see Trent Reznor prepping the car. His left arm was raised, and he had a vulture perched on it, with its wings spread. As I clambered up to the car, he moved around the back of the car - a black american sports car - and the vulture flew off. He climbed into the back seat, and pulled a blanket over himself so he couldn't be seen, and I got into the driving seat.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Snakes, Spiders and Owls

The basement of the house was unstable. I don't know how, but the very earth beneath the basement was deteriorating, and the basement shifted as one complete unit. The back of the basement dropped suddenly, and I could see cabinets and cases fall to the floor and shatter - snakes and spiders escaping and moving across the floor.

I remember seeing the creatures running away as the basement lurched and suddenly dropped, the back pitching down and then the whole basement dropping away.

The next thing I remember I was in a house - I'm unsure if it was the same house as the basement. The house had a second floor with a ladder and an open area. There was an owl, and I saw it drop from its perch and its wings deteriorate. I panicked, and ran from the house and called for help. There was an expert outside I knew could look after the owl. She came in with her friend, and she climbed the ladder with me as I lead her to the owl. Her friend stayed on the ground floor. She commented that we were six-feet-seven above her. There were gaps in the floor, and we had to stand on the tops of bookcases to get to the floor with the owl.